Friday, February 13, 2009

First Really Successful Class

Today I taught my fourth English class. Only 4 of the girls were there, as school starts on Monday- it is summer here and summer break is ending- and the other girls were buying their uniforms and supplies. We reviewed the verb To Be, explaining along the way how ''estar'' and ''ser'' are one verb in English. I tried to move on to physical and emotional characteristics to make sentences describing each person in class, but we went off on the tangent of body parts- some relevant to everyday use and some not. It is hard to keep the attention of teenage girls who have babies crying two rooms over on a tropical afternoon, but we played hangman with body parts vocabulary and it was a really good class.

We celebrated Valentine's Day at Casa Luz today instead of tomorrow, and the mom of my favorite little boy wrote me a little card saying Thank you for being nice to her and her son. He is kind of the bully of the bunch, but only because he's a little bigger than the others, most of which are little girls so aren't as rambunctious as he is. Yesterday we had to have a conversation about no biting, but he's very smart for his age and very sweet.

Last night one of the workers from the local Spanish school drove me around to show me neighboring areas of La Guacima. I know that Costa Rica has many North American companies and businesses, but didn't expect to pass a Wendy's, and Office Depot, and Outback Steakhouse. dear god...In any case, I learned that hookah is apparently pretty popular here, as is ''technik'' music.

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